Welcome to the Fourth Grade. There is a wonderful year planned for you, your classmates and me! This blog will provide a "window to our learning" for you, your families, relatives and hopefully many others. (What I love about this blog is that you and your families can leave a comment in the section below! If you're not sure how, don't worry we'll learn how this September and you can teach others!)
Fourth grade is such an exciting year. We will spend the first week or two getting to know one another and working on some team building activities. We are going to try some "Whole Brain Teaching" which is fairly new for me! This year we will focus on a "Growth Mindset" which is how we "think" about our tasks, abilities and the effort we put forth. I think you'll really like what's in store for you this year!
We will also spend time building our reading stamina. We will start out small and reach the goal of reading at a sustained pace for 30 minutes! You will be hearing a lot about the Daily5 which will give you many CHOICES on your reading journey. This year we will use the Guided Math model. Like the Daily5 you will be given choices in your math workstations. I think you are going to enjoy learning math using this model (I went to school this summer so I could learn about it and use it with you!) I have some new and exciting lessons planned in Science and Social Studies as well.
This year I hope to do more STEM type activities - you will be designing and creating all kinds of interesting things from boats to roller coasters! We will also become GLOBAL Learners and connect with other classrooms using Skype & other tools. Hope you are as excited as I am about this upcoming year!
We are going to have a great year! Looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you. Please fill out this "All About You" Survey. (click on these words: All About You) It will help me get to know you before we meet face to face! Click and you can get to know more about ME!
Please leave a comment below and tell me something that got you excited this summer!
I'll be looking out for you on the first day of school.