Using BrainPop, JP Taylor's Scientific Method Blues and other resources, students were given instruction around the Scientific Method. To begin the process students explored a topic in Earth Science, Life Science or Physical Science and then learned about asking a question. Following that came researching the topic, forming a hypothesis, testing that hypothesis and coming up with some conclusions.
Students had the option of creating either a Google Presentation or a Tri-fold Board. Most students in our class chose to complete the Google Presentation. Some printed out some of the Google Presentation and included it on their tri-fold. Others followed the tri-fold directions from the guiding packet.
On the day of the fair, students brought in items that helped create a visual for their project. One student brought in the rocks and a scale he used to check for absorbancy, another brought in her lava lamp to show the effect alka seltzer has when mixed with oil & water, while another brought in the balloon & and metal items used in her experiment to show the effect of static cling on metal objects.
When the Fair was all over the students completed a "Reflection." The last question on the reflection asked students to describe the Fair in one word: Awesome! Amazing! Fun! Educational! were just some of the descriptions.
The 4th Grade Science Fair is a worthwhile experience!
Students: What advice would you give others about completing a science fair?
Others: What parts of the Science Fair would you like to learn more about?