Leaving Boyden during the pouring rain didn't damper our spirits as we eagerly awaited the sights, sounds and smells of Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Mass. Students glimpsed what life would be like for the Pilgrims and Wampanoag people of the 17th century.

Making our way through the pathways to the Pilgrim Village and the Wampanoag Village really gave one the feeling of stepping back in time. The rustic paths led our group to Pilgrims and Native people who were dressed in authentic clothing. The pungent smell of wood smoke from the cooking fires filled the air. Buildings and fences looked like those only seen in books. The damp weather contributed to the feeling of authenticity.

Hopefully, students will have a greater appreciation for the finer comforts that we so take for granted. After seeing small one room homes (which often housed six to ten people), beds on roped frames, thatched roofs, glassless windows and dirt floors, students learned that life in the late 1600's was rather harsh.
We spent just over 2 hours touring the villages, but it felt like it was the blink of an eye. It was a wonderful day filled with learning and wonder. Ask your child to tell you about their favorite part of our trip.