This year we have extended our writing by sending notes several times throughout the year to a local VA Hospital. A local member of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) has been gracious enough to come in and speak with our fourth graders about how meaningful and important it is to recognize and thank our vets. Mr. Frank tells the students how 'thrilled' the veterans are when they receive these cards and letters as many don't have family and therefore, don't receive mail. He says that these notes are a highlight.
I really didn't believe Mr. Frank until the other day when one Trever received a letter in the mail from one of the veterans in the hospital. He mentioned in the note that he had undergone open heart surgery and was feeling particularly down. He went on to say how that note "made his life!" It gave him the strength to get better. Also included in the note was a patch from the 1st Infantry Division which the gentleman had had since 1967!

The power of these notes is undeniable.
Here's what I received by email from Joe Byron, founder of Honor Flight: Thank you to you, your children and your colleagues for the letters to our HEROES. I am sure that our most senior veterans will forever cherish the letters and cards that they receive in their "MAIL CALL".
But the power of these notes is not just for the veterans. It truly gives my 10 year old students a chance to recognize the efforts of others while learning about our country's heroes. Students are interested in what these folks did during their time in the service. They really take such pride in their work because they know it is important work! It would please you to read these heartfelt letters of thanks and know that today's generation (your child!) really does care!
More Resources:
Operation Gratitude: Writing Letters & Sending Care Packages to Veterans
A Million Thanks - Year round campaign to show appreciation to Veterans, past, present & future.