The children understand that building stamina in reading is similar to running a marathon. You wouldn't just start by running 26.2 miles - you would gradually work your way up to it. This is what we are doing. We are 'training our brain' much like a marathoner would train their legs. There is a sense of urgency to become independent. Once a student can read for a sustained amount of time, they are able to work on comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding their vocabulary.
One of the most important aspects of Read to Self time is that the students are reading books of interest to them. They also know that choosing a "Just Right" book is key in being able to read for extended periods of time. Students were giving the analogy: "If the Shoe Fits..." Ask your child about the "shoe lesson" that was presented in class.
Check out this presentation below that goes along with finding a book that is JUST RIGHT.
Students were asked to 'reflect' on the Building Stamina process in their journal. While some students said that it was an easy process for them some said it was a difficult activity. For those who thought it was 'easy' I responded that it must be that their 'brain muscles' have already been in that training mode while those who found it more difficult still need some practices. Most all students shared that they were proud of their efforts and how they felt they worked hard.
Expectations for the upcoming week are high, and we hope to continue the 20 minute mark in Reading. This week we will also begin building stamina in writing! Becoming independent learners is a priority in Room 310!
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Happy Reading!

I love building my stamina it is very easy for me. I love to read books.